Fellow Writers: 15 Writing Prompt Images

As writers, sometimes our inspiration shrivels a bit. Sometimes we are just simply stuck and need somewhere to go. Writing prompts are a great way to get your brain juices flowing so you can move on in your writing or start a new project! My favorite type of writing prompts are simply pictures.

I love to get on Pinterest or Tumblr and search Fantasy or Science Fiction. Or even specific things like faeries, mermaids, and vampires. Sometimes, depending on the mood of my writing, I’ll search dark fantasy, which always promises at least a few interesting pictures that can inspire the next scene/project.

Here are 15 images that will hopefully force your brain to pump those creative juices!

Let the pictures do the talking.


The dark moon is rising  No silver left to see  The crone has awakened  Her power flows in me  The dark storm is coming  The rain pouring down  The thunder raises power  As lightening takes ground                          The dark Queen is walking  Her whispers call to me  Ancient wisdom flowing  Circling energies flow free   The dark night is waiting  Its lure a sweet bane  Stepped through my shadow  And I am forever changed. A. J. Mckinley


Writing Prompt: Where does this lead?


Writing Prompt: You found this creature in the forest. Now what will happen?



Writing Prompt: What will happen in this room?


Writing Prompt: What would your life be like if you lived here?

Writing Prompt: What are ten things you could do in this room?



sent my love to those who passed away -  Know that you're not forgotten... Know that there's always someone who cares...


“This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


spirits of the forest. I think that there is actually spirits in the forest you just have to really look to see them!!!


can i tell you a secret?… i cannot fly but like you i long to live a wonderful life….. we are more alike then you know...


~ Orange Eye ~ Fantasy. Love her face makeup too


Contessa with Squid (extra large print) fantasy art octopus woman on Etsy, $85.00


Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the "Someone" incredible soon to become.


One with the tree..solice


11 thoughts on “Fellow Writers: 15 Writing Prompt Images

  1. Just stumbled upon this (and you). I am trapped in my fantasy that feels like it may never be written! Then you toss in these amazing images that cannot fail but to light up and inspire prose out of the most word-locked wretch:) I have ‘borrowed’ the magical staghorn horse creature for a future tale. How do you get to writing? I see your progress bars and am now intensely curious…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. If you are asking how to overcome writer’s block, the answer will be different for everyone. Personally, I like to step away and daydream about the later scenes, not the one I’m stuck on. Music helps get my creative juices pumping as well. Reading books in the genre I’m writing will also encourage creativity to shine. Then, if I am still stuck, I skip the scene completely and write the next scene moving forward. You’d be surprised how quickly the scene you’re stuck on will come to you when you skip over it.

      Hope that helps! God bless.


      1. Thanks for the tips – I ordered your first book -I LOVE the covers 🙂

        Del Lago Retail Group Fairen Del Madison San Diego Sheridan Rancho Valencia


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    1. That one is my favorite…and the bird-like girl. I actually included the bird-like girl image because THAT VERY IMAGE was an inspiration to the development of a group of people in WORLD OF THE BEASTS! 😉


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